Today, the long running television drama "Law And Order" aired a thinly veiled episode about the Chris Brown and Rihanna domestic violence case from 2009. The episode is entitled "My Funny Valentine." The show is known for lazily taking people's real lives and turning them into story lines, which has resulted in lawsuits.
The character "Caleb Bryant" is Chris Brown (both have the initials C.B.). The character "Misha" is Rihanna. However, couldn't they have chosen a name for the character such as Rita or Hannah, which sounds more like Rihanna, rather than a name, Misha, that is one letter different from mine, Aisha, even sounds like it (names rhyme) especially given Chris Brown's stalker conduct regarding me.
Actress made up to look like Rihanna after Chris Brown beating
Misha's (Rihanna) producer/rapper, Brass, who has a wife and child (coincidentally named Chris), is clearly Jay-Z, who is made to look like a father figure (however, in real life, the Jay-Z has been seen going into and out of hotels with Rihanna, giving many outlets the impression the two have a sexual relationship).
Rihanna's actual assault photo from the LAPD
There are other similarities between the show and Rihanna and Brown's real lives. Caleb (Chris) is sentenced to 5-years probation. Misha (Rihanna) has an endorsement deal with a cosmetic company (Cover Girl). Misha (Rihanna) does a duet with Caleb (Chris), which the couple has done in real life. A leaked police picture of Misha (Rihanna) battered face appears in the press (which actually happened thanks to TMZ bribing an LAPD officer). Misha (Rihanna) and Caleb (Chris) go to Bermuda in the Caribbean (Rihanna is from Barbados in the Caribbean and went there several times with Brown).
Caleb (Chris) makes an appearance on TV wearing a sweater and bow tie to apologize for his conduct (Brown actually did that on CNN). Caleb (Chris) violates the restraining order and goes to Misha's (Rihanna) hotel, then leaks photos of it online (actually happened between Rihanna and Brown as well). Misha's (Rihanna) family painted as enablers who "only call when they need something...she pays for all their bills" which is true in real life regarding Rihanna. Misha's (Rihanna) mother's boyfriend is an abuser as well, much like Rihanna's actual father.
Caleb (Chris) gets a tattoo of Misha's (Rihanna) battered face, which is something Brown did in real life. Caleb (Chris) is caught with marijuana, a probation violation. Brown was caught with marijuana in his system.
Chris Brown and Mark Geragos in Court
At the very end of the episode, they go to Bermuda (Barbados) and spend time on a boat, Caleb (Chris) still cheating on Misha (Rihanna) gets a text from another woman again (which is what allegedly started the first fight). Misha (Rihanna) inquires about the text and Caleb (Chris) loses his cool, killing her and dumping her body overboard.
Rihanna and Chris Brown this month
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