Thursday 18 April 2013

President Obama Slams Jay-Z And Beyonce In New Interview (Video)

Obama Brings Jay-Z And Beyonce's Egos Down To Earth Bursting Their Bubble


Barack Obama

Publicity seeking couple, Jay-Z and Beyonce, have run afoul of the President of the United States. So much so, President Obama slammed Jay-Z and Beyonce in an interview with the Today Show, regarding the couple's trip to Cuba they tried to pin on him when Cuban Americans became outraged at the violation of the embargo.

Jay-Z had stated in the silly song "Open Letter" that Obama and the White House gave him and Beyonce clearance to go to Cuba violating the embargo, then the president told him to chill lest he get him "impeached" from office via the trip.

Dimwitted Jay-Z and Beyonce

However, during the interview, when the president was questioned about his involvement in their trip, Obama told the Today Show, "My understanding is I think they went through a group that organizes these educational trips down to Cuba. You know, this is not something the White House was involved with. We've got better things to do."

Yea, that was a diss. Ignoramus Jay-Z lacks discretion and that's something people in political circles dislike. He and Beyonce really believe their hype and think what they do is the most important thing in the world. They are not on the level of a head of state. Are they insane. Fame is a terrible drug and a great deceiver of those who possess it.

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