Thursday, 18 April 2013

Rihanna Visits Medical Office With Drug Abuse And STD Treatment Facilities (Photo)


After canceling four concerts over the past few weeks, the most recent being stops in Houston and Dallas, due to an alleged drug overdose, a bleary eyed Rihanna was spotted going into a medical clinic in Beverly Hills, California today, looking worse for wear and completely depressed.

The medical facility Rihanna went to houses doctor’s offices specializing in the treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) infections (she has currently incurable genital herpes, as do most celebrities at the Kabbalah Center from having sex with each other in cult rituals), substance abuse issues (she is a raging cocaine addict, who also uses marijuana) and a drunkard (who often posts and speaks about getting "black out" drunk).


Rihanna’s career is waning and the record company is complaining. Both record and ticket sales are way down, which spells bad news for her. Sponsors have also dropped Rihanna in the wake of her outrageous public conduct and dwindling popularity.

Boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, constantly bedding other women he’s just met, is depressing her as well, leading to more drug abuse. In all her problems, Brown has been noticeably glum when with her and often absent as a result. According to blog posts Brown has been running from her of late.

Rumors surfaced of his cheating and her retaliating by cheating with opening act Rocky. However, Brown took it very far, in cheating with five women in one month (Not to mention, there are other industry women after Brown as well - some of whom claim to be Rihanna's friend). Once again, Brown did what the Judiciary Report stated a couple years ago he has a habit of doing - driving around for attractive women to pick up off the street and take to his house or a hotel for sex (one of these days you're gonna pick up a tranny like Eddie Murphy did).

Chris Brown

What Brown is doing in this regard is dangerous. Over 240,000 Americans currently have HIV and don't know it. HIV and AIDS don't discriminate and are difficult to live with for the millions of disease sufferers that struggle with it everyday. The number grows exponential when you look at it on a global scale.

Sexual promiscuity is propagating the disease and you increase your chances of contracting it the more people you have sex with. Condoms have a 36% failure rate, which is relatively high, meaning risks still exist. Therefore, sleeping around is very dangerous. Brown need to value his health and life more than this.


After TWO DAYS MISSING . .. Rihanna Is Spotted Coming Out Of A DOCTORS OFFICE!!! (You'll Have To GUESS . . . What KIND Of A Doctor She Was Seeing)

April 17, 2013: We did a quick search of the DOCTORS OFFICE that Rihanna was spotted leaving - 435 N Roxbury Dr in Beverly Hills. There are a NUMBR of general practitioners there, along with a few opthamologists there. But there are a few OTHER kinds of medical facilities there too, including a clinic called "Beverly Hills STD Testing" and a few psychologists that specialize in substance abuse.
Whatever it is that is AILING Rihanna...hope she gets it fixed...

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