Monday, 8 April 2013

President Obama Complimenting Kamala Harris As Hot Continues To Dominate Headlines (Video)

Barack Obama: hey Kamala
Kamala: hey Obama
Gavin Newsom (left): No hug for me?
Obama to Gavin: Um, no, I don't think so!

 Jurist, Kamala Harris, continued to dominate news stories this past weekend, especially in political circles, over comments made by U.S. President Barack Obama, who referred to her as, "The best looking attorney general in the country."

Judging by pictures of the two, there is definitely a friendship and chemistry there (y’all better keep that in check, because If I didn’t know better, I’d say the president was trying to "hit that" as the slang phrase goes - girl just remember, married men are the enemy and keep your underwear on LOL).

Kamala Harris

Obama even gave Harris plugs in endorsing and campaigning for her after he was elected, as she was one of his first government supporters, when many democrats in political circles were backing rival Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

Harris, who has been friends with Obama for a long time, has been referred to as the "female Barack Obama" for years. The press gave the stunning beauty the title due to the noteworthy similarities between the two (off topic for a minute, you know, writers in the press say I’m the next Halle Berry - "the press" being the Judiciary Report and "writers" being, well, me).


Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to his on and off girlfriend Kamala Harris: tell me Obama didn't "hit it!"

But I digress. Harris, whom the president apologized to last week for the compliment creating a "distraction" took no issue with it. However, if I were Mrs. Obama and I read his speech about Harris, the first thing out of my mouth would be, "What did that negro just say!" Oh it would be on (LOL). He would be sleeping in the kennel with First Dog Bo.

What complicated matters last week is First Lady Michelle Obama did an interview, where she made a slip in referring to herself as a "busy single mother." She corrected her statement, but it still made people wonder and comment online about the state of their marriage. Whatever their differences, especially due to his busy schedule, they need to sort it for the sake of their children and marriage.

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