Previously, Jay-Z was slammed for a massive sales scandal that discredited well known music industry company Soundscan (Jay-Z turned it into Soundscam). Jay-Z, a one time drug dealer who still brags about said misbehavior in a manner not helpful to impressionable people, rather than denouncing it, bribed retailers to scan the same copy of his CD through the register repeatedly to register higher sales.
It gave him undeserved and unearned number one records on Billboard, also discrediting and tainting their charts, while robbing others of their rightful position and accolades. From day one Jay-Z entered the music industry with drug money, using it to fund his record company Rockafella and engage in illegal payola to guarantee him airplay, which counts towards number one singles on the music charts.
Jay-Z, who has been faced with a string of business failures, has a career that is all smoke and mirrors, to create the illusion of success. It's one thing to take payment for advertising tweets on Twitter, as many have done so as a legitimate business. However, things have gone so far regarding Jay-Z that he pays people to tweet compliments about him, his appearance, daughter, wife and career. That's just sad.
Samsung to Give Away 1 Million Copies of Jay-Z’s New Album
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