This is a follow up to a scandal the Judiciary Report broke first on August 11, 2011 (The FBI And Ethics) regarding the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) and the Obama Administration targeting politically outspoken conservatives, such as myself, especially those with an online presence (like myself). On Friday, May 10, 2013, Republican senator, Mitch McConnell, confirmed that the I.R.S. has been politically targeting conservatives via their tax filings (Congressional Senator Confirms The IRS Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As The Site Stated).
On Saturday May 11, 2013, the I.R.S. publicly admitted and apologized for the misconduct. The Inspector General is currently investigating the I.R.S. in this matter. The site has been proven right again, as everything I have stated on the Judiciary Report (and all its affiliated sites) are true and correct. I have no reason to lie.
Today, U.S. President Barack Obama addressed the scandal and completely distanced himself from it, stating he did not know about it until this past Friday when it hit the news. The Obama Administration's F.B.I. and I.R.S. worked hand in hand in targeting outspoken conservatives like myself, who "criticize the government" and tried to teach the American people about "constitutional rights" - which you, my faithful readers, know is something I have repeatedly done through my columns for the past few years.
As stated in this past Saturday's column, my issues with the I.R.S. have been resolved. However, I was very offended when the problem occurred, then escalated last year, as my mom called me from Miami when I was in London, England for a few months on business and read over the phone, to borrow from the president, an "outrageous" letter from the I.R.S, containing claims that were completely and utterly false. I don't like people playing with my name. On a matter of principle, I countered everything and stuck with it until there was a proper resolution.
As stated in Saturday's column, the I.R.S. stated in writing they are "retracting" their previous claims and the agency and I are on decent terms now. However, some conservatives are reporting they are out large sums of money in legal fees. Said conservative groups and individuals announced today they are contemplating seeking reimbursement from the I.R.S.
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