Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Chris Brown Is In Trouble And Facing Jail On Probation Violation As Frank Ocean Changes His Mind Demanding He Be Prosecuted For Punching Him


Chris Brown

Yesterday TMZ reported that R&B singer Chris Brown and gay rapper Frank Ocean got into a confrontation, which escalated into a fist fight in the parking lot of the Westlake Recording studio in Los Angeles, California. Initially, based on what TMZ was told and relayed to the public, no one wanted to press charges. However, several hours later, Frank Ocean changed his mind and is after Brown. 

Ocean now wants Brown, who has made homophobic statements in the past, prosecuted for punching him - despite the fact the singer states the rapper and his entourage attacked him. If successfully prosecuted, this incident would constitute a probation violation against Brown, stemming from a 2009 incident with girlfriend Rihanna. It would also be a hate crime, due to the fact Ocean is gay and Brown has a history of using phrases such as "f****t" online and to members of the public, who went to the press with their complaints.

Frank Ocean: this is what I look like when he hit me y'all! (hmm, I thought gay dudes didn't wear earrings in their left ear. Is this a new thing in gaydom).

As with the 2009 Rihanna domestic violence case, Brown was not immediately arrested when the incident transpired, as he fled the scene, but police could detain him after an interview if they feel they have sufficient evidence to charge him and they are requesting to speak to him.

Brown has a problem on his hands and so does Ocean, as the singer's people are known to retaliate. Not to mention, this could really put a wrench in the off the wall Rihanna-Karrueche-Tran-Chris-Brown love triangle dominating the blogs. Yep, they're going to be fighting over conjugal visits in no time if he goes to jail.


Frank Ocean wants Chris Brown prosecuted in clash over parking spot

January 28, 2013 | 3:02 pm - Frank Ocean wants to press charges against Chris Brown after what's been described as a brawl over a parking space at a West Hollywood recording studio, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department officials said. Brown allegedly punched Ocean in the brawl Sunday night in the 7200 block of Santa Monica, authorities said. "Chris Brown is a named suspect in a battery report," said Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore. "The victim is desirous of prosecution."

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